Thursday 31 March 2011

Something about: Hard to say...

...I love you. Sometimes, it's even harder to say that you actually hurt. To admit things that you had done and you are not proud of. Ego, a big wall that make us all hard to say things that we feel at the moment. 

"Back then, we didn’t know what real love was.
Nor did we know
that it could hurt someone this badly."

Nakaji - Quote from Sunao ni Naretakute, episode 9.

This movie, overall, really left some impact inside me. I don't even know how to put it into proper words, but somehow, the drama struck me deep inside my heart. Its like, you could put yourself in each character and understand of why such things happen to be like this and not like that. And how things, how simple it is, sometimes we didn't have any control on it. IDK, it feels something like that.

Lately, I realized, with someone, I feel lost of myself. Being with that person makes me not the real me. Its a little bit suffocating, but then I think, if both of us is trying too hard then, won't it make things more complicated than it already is? Maybe, both of us need to take as much time to be ourself when we are around each other. To show our true colour to each other. Looking at the bright side of it, at least, we didn't cheat on each other. ;) It makes me happy by just thinking if it.

A very great friend of mine is worried of me. But now, at my home, my room, relaxing and just focus on the most important thing that I need to do, somehow feels refreshing. A great escape indeed, eh? XD By now, I could properly talk to her and say that I'm okay. I had live my life for almost 20 years by now. Someone can't invaded my life and destroy everything just like that. No, I won't allow such thing happens! :D

Right now, I'm trying to build myself and take bit by bit whats left behind. Trying to be an optimist. Bearing the thought of "my life does not linger around you and only you".

Before I forget. Last but not least,  ただいま!!!

Anyway, take care and have a great day ahead, everyone! :D

(|]=^,^=[|)♪♫~~ The Ting Tings - Great DJ

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