Saturday 22 January 2011

Something about: changes.

Yesterday, Miss Ellyana called me and we had good long chat. Damn, it makes me realized how much I missed her! :'( Yesterday too, I listened from her stories about the other friends, ex-classmates especially. Some of it was hard for me to digest, especially listening about how much some of them had changes and all. It hurts. As I sit, my mind thinks; am I the one that changed or they had changed so much that I could barely recognized some of them?

I sighs a lot lately. :'( That wasn't a good sign at all, no?

I hate how things were right now. It feels like I need to chase everything or I'll be left behind just like that. Please self, be stronger! Where are the ignorance Nabilah? I need you! :'(

OMG OMG OMG. This shouldn't be an emo post, but I think it lead that way. >.>" Pardon me.

Okay, happy thing(s). :)

My best friend just give me a call. Its quite surprising because it is late at that time, but apart of me is happy. I hope that he'll find someone who'll appreciate him as he is. Seriously, he is one of the best friends that I've ever met. You, I wish the best for you. Haha. Seriously, craving for foods when you're actually sick is not fun! Really! Oh oh oh, and I'll be back on 28th of January! :) Oh~ I'm so excited that I might even writing more and more of it. Haha. I heard from the girls about reunion. I hope that I could make it. Even just few hours, but meeting the girls is on my to-do-list. Definitely! I miss them so, so much! And gossiping together, too! Haha. 

And, I need not to worried much about my weight. My roommates said that I just need to change my styles a little bit here and there. Hohoho~ I'm so happy. =) Well, I know I'm not that fat, but listening to some people that still criticizing my body was a little bit disturbing at times. =.=" Haha. But but but, I should be worried-free right now! :)

Okay. I should sleep. Haha. =,="

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Beyonce - Irreplaceable

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