Friday 7 January 2011

Something about: Peer Pressure. And 19.

First thing first. The cute small red bump had evolved to a small ugly bump that I can't even determine what colour it is actually. =,=" Damn hurt, you know?

Okay. Peer pressure. I believe that each and every single one of us had felt it as we grow up. I remember long time ago, when cellphone was so famous. Some of my friends even had it when we were standard five. It didn't hurts so much at first, until I move to high school days. The pressure then rising until a level that I can’t believe that I could take it. But I did, in the end. I think I could be proud of myself? XD Believe it or not, I only had my own cellphone when I’m in form 5. But that even a second hand cellphone, from my sister. And good thing is, I’m not the one that asks for it. I guess at some point, I’m the one that giving up hope of having my own cellphone before I graduate from highschool. Haha.

Next, the pressure of having a boyfriend/girlfriend. THIS. I would be lying if I say I feel nothing when I see couples among my friends, knowing that they have someone to share things with, apart from their families and just friends. I did feel jealous inside. But other than that, I feel happy for them too. Happy knowing that my friends are happy. Nowadays too, I did feel it. Especially when I’m online-ing on facebook. You could read all those mushy statuses on my news feed. Haha. =,=” I think I’m one of small numbers that had never coupling for almost 19years living. Haha. Inexistent species, perhaps? XD

Then, there’s also pressure of having good grades. Surpassing exams with flying colours and all. Truthfully, I didn’t really like to talk about my grades. There are times that I didn’t study much, but the results are much better than the times that I struggling to get better grades. I guess I really need to learn managing my time really well, and give a 100% focus on classes.

Next topic. I can’t believe that 19 is chasing me and will meet me soon. Haha. Really. 19 in just one month and days? I can’t believe it. So yeah, I think about making a wish list.

First. A boyfriend. Can I have this? A very hot one, like Kamenashi Kazuya would be preferred. Haha. If only I can have one. XD Because he is the other word for sexy. Haha. XDD

Second, a cake from Secret Recipe. I have been craving for this since last month. I don’t know why. By hook or by crook, I’ll have it. I hope that no major changes will appear out of blue because supposedly, on Wednesday my class will end at noon. So I could celebrate it. With friends or not, I’ll go! Haha~

Third, a new dress. Something that a little bit girly. But NOT pink in colour, definitely. I don’t know, my mother had been (kinda) nagging me about lack of girl attitude in me. XD

Forth, STILETTOS. Pretty please with cherry on the top? ;)

Fifth. Hm… A new digital camera? The Olympus that I have right now had started to giving out problems to me. There’s something wrong with the memory card, and I think I need to buy a new one. And I believe it won’t be that cheap. I think a new camera will do more good than buy a new memory card. Anything from Sony would be love. ;)

Dream on Nabilah. Dream on. *sigh*

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~ ;)

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~ Kamenashi Kazuya - Someday for Somebody

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