Friday 14 January 2011

Something about: Sometimes.

Sometimes guy didn't realized that all we need from them is just some time for them to listen and gives us morale support. Because truthfully, if that is so hard to be done, I don't know why are you in a relationship. Girls didn't need you to spend money on them (well, mostly. because if they did, they're materialistic. they love your money and not you) but they only want you to give support and help them when they need it. I just listened to a story that touch me deep inside my heart. :/ Girl, why you're so strong? I'm damn jealous, okay? But you should keep that attitude. No one should be happy over someone else's misery.

Yeah. So there's tonnes of assignments waiting for me. The next Monday is the presentation for my BEL260's and the Friday there's a presentation for my Drama's co-curricular. :/ Why oh why~ so sudden? ;___; The BEL260's might not be that bad for me, but the Drama's co is another story. It scared me so much! Not to mention there's also assignments AND presentation for MKT243 too. So many things lined up for me, no? Lets just pray that I'll live through all these. :D

Anyway, there's a few things that disturbing my mind at the moment. I don't know why, but the uneasy feelings keep on coming back, especially befriended with guys, single especially. Its kinda hard when there's other feeling involved in friendship, no? Won't it make both parties feels uneasy? :/ 

Sometimes too, we might feels jealous. Over something. Over someone. Sometimes we think why are people around us is happy when we're actually in misery. Sometimes we might even get jealous over inanimate objects too. Okay, I think I'm  being incoherent here. But that doesn't matter, no? Since I rarely being coherent after all. Haha.

Responsibility is not a small things. It carried lots of meaning and one of it was trust. Trust itself, taking time to build but one mistakes could shatters it into pieces. Its as fragile as glass. Taking a responsibility sometime is not fun, because lots of pressure will be put upon you. Sometimes too, you lost apart of yourself just to make sure that things will go on normally for others.

Tomorrow and the next day after is important. Lets hope that everything will turn out to be better. ;)

Take care and have a great day everyone~ ;)

ps: Kiddie love is so cute, don't you agree? ;)
(|]^,^[|)  ♪♫~~ Emilia - Big Big World

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