Thursday 20 January 2011

Something about: Furious!

This post is kinda related to this. :)

Okay, so today I was upset. About few things that happened that I really, really could offer no help. :(

A friend of mine was talking and trying to give out explanations. Eh eh, dia bukan sengaja nak membebel lah, kau orang jugak yang suruh dia terangkan kat depan. Lepas tu, kau orang pulak yang bising-bising masa dia tengah cakap. Please, we all are grown up; can’t we even act like one? :/ I was seriously upset and down at that time. When I ask him, is he okay, he said that he’s completely fine, but I don’t know if he actually is.

I was worried because what I could feel is, those people aren’t even put an effort to make things better, but doing the opposite of it. There’s even people that tries to bring others down. Eh eh, kau ingat kau tu hebat sangat ke? Kalau kau tu hebat sangat, mesti orang nak kau wakilkan mereka mereka ni. Bukan suruh orang lain. I am angry. Damn, I think using the world angry was understated. I’m furious, okay? Or maybe even angry beyond furious. :/

In this world, of we can’t even teach ourselves to shut up when it is the time, we’ll be nowhere. Believe me.

Angry Angry Angry. :’(

And as I’m typing this, my roommates said to me that the slide should be 20. *gasps* We just prepared 10 pages la weyh! Masak la kitorang! >.>"

Anyway, take care! 

(|]>,>[|)  Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

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