Sunday 30 January 2011

Something about: donating blood. And more.

Here to share my nerve-wrecking experience first time donating blood. OMG, I really can't believe I did it. But I did! =) I'm so proud of myself.

Last Wednesday, I did donate my blood. Without any plan to do so. I just decided to do it on the spot and I did. So nerve-wrecking yet so interesting. The only thing that I actually afraid of is crying. Because come on, I'm a cry baby. LOL. XD But Alhamdulillah, everything went well.

The hardest part is not donating the blood, but when they tested my blood. That blood tester surprised me so much. Haha. =,=" And yes, I did get panicked for a little while when they're putting the big BIG needle on my arm. But everything went well after that.

I enjoy waiting and looking at my blood flow away from my body. I don't know why. But I do feel proud after looking at my blood in the package, thinking that how small contribution could actually save someone's life. :) It did hurt, but just a little.

The thing that I HATE was waiting alone. The guy beside me bringing his friends and a lecturer was there too. His gang was enjoying torturing my mind. Saying this and that, making me scared and tense. Haha. It makes me feel lonely too.

Okay, talking about the guy next to me. The nurse actually taking care of him before me, but I finished earlier than him. He was an ex-smoker and dude, his blood was super duper thick. I mean, the thing that suck blood to be tested even having problem testing this blood. I was "why the fish his blood was super duper thick?!" until he said to the nurse that he was an ex-smoker. :O Ex-smoker? I wonder what will a real smoker's blood look like. *giggles* When I finished with my blood, his bag was around half-full. It must be torturing for him seeing that I went away earlier than him. Haha.

Another thing is, I'm a UNIVERSAL DONOR! :) My blood type was O+, the same type as my sister. All these while, I always thought that I'm a B type, as both my parents are B+, but my sister and I shares the O+ blood. From grandparents, perhaps? :) But I'm happy that I'm an O+. It just makes me want to donate more and more blood. Okay, I'm being weird there. =,=" I mean, to save people life. I wondering right now what type of blood my brother carried. *curious* =)

This week was definitely tired me so much. Helping out with the costumes and accessories, and preparing for DBS's flyers, and meeting, and assignment and the script and everything. I should be grateful for being alive still. Haha. =,=" Just imagine, donating blood and few hours later carrying things. I mean, KILOS of things. I almost puke and fainted last Wednesday as I didn't get enough rest for my body. It’s annoying when your body protesting that you should rest when your rate of busy is at the peak. It’s not fun at all. :/

Yesterday too, I puke right after eating dinner. What a waste. I put so much effort to eat and right after finishing it, I puke. Just like that. *sigh* My body really had it way to tell me to rest. But today, I tried to eat as much as my stomach could handle. The amount of food consumed by me is reducing little by little that I almost thought that eating is just a waste of time. I really should kick that kind of opinion away from my mind. It’s not a good thought at all!

And see! I just got some time right now to updating my dear blog. OMG. So busy that I just realized that it had been few days after my last post. :O

I was thinking about get back to before, writing. It hadn't been decided yet. There are tonnes of work waiting for me. Carnival, workshop, and thingsss are flowing in. I don't know. I don't even have any plot in my mind. So maybe later, when there's a brilliant idea invaded my mind, I'll try to write things again. Truthfully, I do miss writing. It’s in my blood and vein, but I didn't have enough leisure time to write again. I remember the time when plots coming in even when I focusing on other things. Haha.

I miss my friends. Last few weeks, there are rumours about gathering and reunion and things. Will it happen? :/

Okay, I think I want to write a little about friends. Once upon a time, there's this human and I get into a stupid fight. I admit that it’s my fault. I don't remember when things worsen. Truthfully, I don't care about it right now. Things happened. And I am a human and I do commit mistakes. Nobody's perfect, right? We need to learn to move on. And the hardest part is, that human even write things of me. Writing thing like 'if you think that you could live your life alone" and such. I don't remember much, but it’s along that line. Okay, I really shouldn't write much of that person because if I do so, there's no differences between me and that person.

I will write my opinion. Things happen. And people change. If I can't befriend with people like that person, I'll try to make new friends. It’s the matter of choice. But one thing I know, I'm not a lonely person. I didn't socialized much, but I'm not lonely. I might be doing things alone, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have friends. I do have. But I try and learn to do things by myself, because I know I can't expecting that there's people around me all the time. And I do proud of myself for I know how to live. Think that you know me that much? Think back because I could prove that you're so wrong of me. :)

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone! =)

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