Tuesday 11 January 2011

Something about: Eating Disorder.

I DON’T HAVE AN EATING DISORDER AND THAT’S NOT A DENIAL! Just need to warn you readers because really, I might be a weirdo and not as normal as others, but I really didn’t have an eating disorder. This is just another post of my point of view. ;) And NO, this is not an article.

So yesterday during the BEL260 class, there’s a topic about eating disorder. Eating disorder is categorized as two, anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Anorexic is the type of person that try to keep themselves from eating, while bulimic is the type of person that will eat before forcing themselves to puke back everything in any way possible whether using their own fingers or using objects such as toothbrush to trigger the feeling to puke. Technically, they will just do anything that could make sure that they’ll puke.

There are many reasons of why this happens. One of the reasons, and mainly happen because of this; pressure. For example, I did read a story about someone who is not fat, just slightly bulky from the other friends of his. Yes, it’s a guy. I know eating disorder is common towards females, but there are also cases when the patient is a male. Because of the constant teasing that he always got for carrying excessive weight with him, he fall into depression and starts to get into plan of diet.

It works on well at first, but getting out of control later because he got stuck in a thought that he need to lose more and more weight. When he realized damages that had happened to him, it had been too late as he was (literally) nothing more than skins and bones. He tried to change his eating pattern, but keep on failing.

The only way out that he could think was trying to get into rehabilitation centre for people with eating disorder. If you think that his problem solved there, you’re completely wrong! He spends years of his teenage life going in and out from rehabilitation centre to fix his eating disorder. Well, he did succeed in the end, but that only happen because he had found a rehabilitation centre that (technically) keep on forcing their patient to eat, eat, and eat all day.

Just imagine this happen to you, eating twice OR maybe thrice of your usually consumed food. It’s torturing! But for sake of being normal again, he went through it. In the rehabilitation centre, you are only given one month to complete the tasks, or they’ll force you to eat more than what you’ve given earlier on. Enduring all the pain for one whole month. You need to.

Reading such stories had made me realized how important it is to love my own body. I might not be as skinny as most girls. Or having pretty skins as others too. Trying to fix it for the sake of being healthier is okay, but when you get obsessed of fixing it, it’s hard for you to be normal ever again.

When I was fifteen, I had been into few types of diets. Well, being in early teenage years that time, I got curious and want to try of many things to lose weights.

One of it is carbohydrate diet, when I stop from eating rice altogether. This is the most futile diet on earth, ever. Believe me! Not enough carbohydrate in body had turned me into crankier person. I got angry over the smallest thing possible. Haha~ XD

I had also tries to eat chocolate before taking breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. This had turn to be futile too. Even I feel full faster than normal; I craved for snacks between meals. I didn’t lose weight nor did I put on weight during this diet, but well. What’s the purpose of keep on with this diet if I gain nothing from it? XD

A diet that I really want to try but never got the chance to do so is a hotpot diet. Hotpot cooked using very little amount of oil, so I think that this kind of diet is healthy. Plus, it also has a great combination of meat and vegetables at the same time. Don’t you agree with me? ;) I definitely will try this later on if I got the chance to do so.

Even taking care of what we are eating, exercises are important too! I didn’t do much, but I tried to do some simple muscle training that takes just few minutes to be completed, and tried to walk as much as I can. Because walking is a form of exercise too. :) And the time you eat your meal. I tried to avoid eating after 8pm. Just because lately, I’ve been sleeping as early as 10pm.

I think that spring is over. And summer is approaching fast! I smell summer love. LOL. If you think that you really do understand me, think back. I’m on the way of letting go and turning off the radio. I bet no one understand what they hell I’m writing about here. XD

And about my swollen leg. There are no more weird colours surrounding it, but it still hurt. Well, nothing wrong with it, right? I shouldn’t be worried of it much, right? Or should I? :/

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~ ;)

(|]^,^[|)♪♫~~  Justin Timberlake - Summer Love

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