Sunday 9 January 2011

Something about: Laugh. And smiles. :)

Okay. Today was a tough day as I need to wake up and prepare for the second module. Because both of my roommates was yesterday, I am the only one that wake up and prepare to face the day so early. XD

The first part of the module was oh, okay. Just fine. Its quite boring as the one that give the talk was not so good at doing it. Really, I thought that I'll fall asleep, but thankfully, I didn't. But there's some student who actually sleeps all the way during the first part. Sitting and listening without doing anything else is boring.

The second part was the group activity. As all of us was divided into groups based on names, I stuck with boys as my name started with N. Out of almost 40 person, there's only 10 girls! Can you imagine the situation there? And I was putted into a group of 10, with only 2 girls including me. 8 boys and 2 girls. Just imagine. Being the minority, we were bullied as most activities required presents of both gender. Damn! 

And today too, for the first time, I learn what does it feel to be blind. There's a game where there's three person, one is mute, one is deaf, and the other is blind. The mute had found some kind of treasure, and he need to tell the deaf person about it, before the deaf person need to guide the blind person to the treasure too. It is fun, but not that much fun as the deaf person is having problem giving out orders to me. He messed up the right and left turn, resulting me to hit tables and chairs along the way. It hurts okay! >.>"

And then, we also learn about using the right tone to express ourself. It is important! Because lots of miscommunication could occur if we didn't speak up AND using the right tone, too. Other than the importance of using the right words too. ;)

My roommate is looking for helium gas for an experiment. You know, the one that they suck the gas and changes happen at their voice? I learn it from Japanese shows, and I looovvveeee it. One of the best helium gas is during Aikawa Sho-san's at Cartoon KAT-TUN. The best part might be he whining about his wife calls him as "helium-kun". LOL. That must hurts so much, right? Hhahaahaaa..... But anyway, if anyone of you could point out where can we get the helium gas, around Arau especially, please do tell me. :) Aw~ truth be told, I want to try it myself too. But I never had the guts to do so. XD But but but, can you imagine this - a very hot and tough guy with very, very hoarse and husky voice sucking helium gas and their voice just turn into something like a cartoon character? Aw~ That'll be fun to watch, no? :)

Okay, the next topic. Truth be told, I don't know what happen to them. But seeing couples who didn't talk to each others suddenly makes you worried, no? :/ I hate that. I mean, I'm not anyone to talk about others relationship, but its saddened me a little. Its hard to see when two people can't find solutions to problems and just end up in separate ways. Okay, why the hell I'm emo-ing here? >.>" Dearest mood swings, please just go away from me! Thank you~~

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~ ;)

(|]^,^[|) Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving on a Jetplane

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