Wednesday 12 January 2011

Something about: Should and should not.

I should stop abusing my two kidneys. Drink enough water. Not too much and not too little. I really need not an experience in hospital. Those check-ups is enough trauma to me. :/

I should eat regularly. And on time too. Not eat whenever I'm in the mood and not eat when I'm not in the mood.

I should get my temper check. Being a girl does not mean that I should let my moodswing overcome my rationale in making decisions.

I should let some things go. Time keeps on flying. Lingers in past no more.

I should let time decide things. February it is, then. Because it means a season had passed since I met someone.

I should learn to forgive and forget. Not forgive and let things taking toll on me. Heal myself and others too.

I should spend time to let things between us heal, and patching things up. Dear Z, this is for you. And please, no more posts about those sleepovers, please. Eating (drinking, actually) those raw eggs is NOT interesting. Truth be told, its quite disgusting, actually. And the joke about soda too. Ew! >.>"

I should not let people influence me. Its okay if its for the better, but not for something that just bring out harm to me.

I should not let people do things to me as they wish. Learn to speak up more no matter hurt the truth is.

I should not pretend that I'm okay when I'm not.

I should stop abusing my body. For real. Try not to be as clumsy as before. My left leg is still on the process of healing and the next thing I realized is my right leg is hurting. XD

Its raining suddenly. All my clothes is affected, even a little. I just did my laundry earlier and the rain suddenly come and and and my clothes. ;___; Raiinnnnn~ Why so sudden?

On the other hand,... LOL. This. I was playing Sorority Life in facebook and they had this fortune cookies to be draw everyday and I got this. LOL LOL LOL. I already friended my mother on facebook, so should I be worried? XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~ :)

(|]^,^[|) ♪♫~~ Emilia - Big Big Girl

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