Sunday 2 January 2011

Something about: Thank you.

I wake up around six. Too early. Even without a help from alarm. XD Wake up and lazy around for few minutes, doing nothing. Just because I have a bad experience of abrupt wake up and shoulder. Taking wudhu', and perform Subuh prayer. Hungry! I eat almost nothing yesterday, apart of a small portion of mee goreng mamak that *not so* delicious. Then, my mother calls and asks if I already perform my subuh prayer and why I didn't pick up the phone yesterday (well, because I came to bed early last night. Too tired after very long journey yesterday). And I tried to call my best friend, but he didn't answer the phone. :/ I'm hungry~~~. Roti canai? :] Yes. Soon. Because I'm in quite a good mood. I don't know why. I'm as weird as that. Haha~ XD

Will fly to roti canai around nine? :) Who want to accompany me? *wink*

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~ :)

(|]^,^[|)♪♫  Yusuf Islam - Al Khaliq

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