Tuesday 7 December 2010

Something about: being matured...

...is apart of growing process. Its hard, but it something that each and every single one of us need to be. Being matured, more and more as time passed.

The thing that I want to write today is childish and matured love. For weird reason, there's this one episode of Cartoon KAT-TUN that bugging my mind right now. Its from the second chapter, the chapter where they are required to find the definition of love. There's this lady that I can't remember who she was, talking about childish and adult type of love.

Childish love is you're attracted to someone because of his or her looks and physical appearance. While adults tend to fall in love because of other's characteristics. And truth be told, I can't help but agreeing with her. There's huge differences between being a child and being an adult. And truthfully, I was like then, waaayyyyy long time ago. I tend to get attracted to boys that you know, having cool appearances and have good face. But as I grow up, I tend to attracted to people that have great sense of humours and have more good quality in their selves. So I guess, I'm matured? Maybe not THAT matured, but well, people change. ;)

Its 2:35am, and I have a date tomorrow, and I hadn't sleep yet. And being incoherent, rambling here. I should end this. Haha. Good night. ;)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(|}^.^{|)~♪♫ - Jesse McCartney - Bleeding Love

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