Friday 31 December 2010

Something about: walking down memory lane.

I was reading this from a friend's blog. So I thought I want to do the same? 2010 will come to an end, soon than I expected. This year had mean a lot to me, as I see, learn and experiencing many things that I never thought I would. I mean, not that soon. XD This year, again, had seen me cries and laugh, making new friends, and learn to open a little bit of my heart. It comes with consequences, and I didn't regret it, not even a little. Because without such experience, I'll not be the me as I am, and not being mature, even a little that I was before.

Things I have done:

1. Entering a university. Even the course was not the course that I really hope, but I thankful that I at least could continue studying. I can't complain much after all, my result aren't that good to be compared as many others, so given the chance to continue studying was enough to me.

2. Making new friends. Despite things was not going on as well as I hope at first, but I'm grateful that I know them. In the end, I could makes conclusion that no living human is perfect. We makes mistakes. We yell, we get angry, we share secrets, we share feelings, we share thoughts, we laugh, we cry, we, learn, and do many more together, and I think having wonderful memories is all that I need. I guess I'm not in a position to asks for more. 

3. Catching up with my old good friends. Friends from during my standard school, especially. Its fun to know that lots of them is growing up, become mature, and even be in relationship. Haha~ XD Who would've thought that my friends from two completely different school and not knowing each other had met and well, being couple? Its kinda awkward when I learn about it at first, but after awhile, I can see them together. I really hope that they'll get married one day. They look so cute together! I too, learned about a friend that had changed her way of looking at me. Before, I was a very kampung type of girl, didn't really socialize much with girls, and not that clever to be compared to many others, and just yesterday she says that "if I can turn back the time, I think I'll change many things that happened between us" and all. It kinda shocking to me, but I could only said that people change. I did, and so did she.

4. Learning traditional dance. Not that much, but still. Haha~ Me+dancing is not a good equation. Definitely. And listening to a senior commenting that I more like marching than dancing is not that encouraging, too. I can't dance, because I can't follow the beat perfectly. Tone-deaf, I believe. Haha~ But still, its an experience, and the most important thing is I enjoy what I did. 

5. Learn to live without my parents beside me. Waking up in the morning, especially. Because I'm a heavy sleepers. Who could've thought that the person that need her mother to (literally) screams that her ear could wake up by herself? And even taking care of her roommates, too? Haha. I (literally) was the alarm clock in my room. There are times when I didn't have an early class and well, having my monthly period, so I didn't wake up that early. Guess what happen? Both of my roommates almost late to go to their classes. Haha. XD

6. Do confessions. No. Not in my blog. But to people that I love and I care and everyone that I appreciate in my life. Not one. But everyone that I really care. But to think back, I did confess to him, too. 

7. Learn to walk properly. Haha. This. People keep on complaining to me how I actually walk like a gangster and whatsoever, and the conclusion that could be made was; I need high heels. Or I'll be walking like a duck. HAHAHAAAAAA. I can't wear flats. For real. And just yesterday my best friend advising me that its not good and blablabla. But no, high heels is my lifesaver. XD

8. Wears  baju kebaya. For dinner. I can't believe that I did that, actually. Because I used to be fat before, and wearing baju kabaya was just a no-no to me. But yeah, the good thing about Arau is I'm losing weight, easily. Even my friends says that I look smaller than before. One of my aunts says that my face really look smaller. I never care much about my weight. But after losing many, I look back at my old pictures and sighs. I am fat before. Not fat fat, but chubby type of fat. XD

9. Losing weight. Lots of it, I believe? XD With walking around the campus by foot and those co-curricular activity, I think I lose quite a lot. Maybe around four-five kg? To some people, its not that much, but for someone short like me, losing those few kilos could affect a lot in BMI. Hehe~ I think being short is not that bad. Some guys think short people is cute. XD

I won't be doing the list of things that I had not manage to do. I don't know. I think if I did it, I might end up crying right here right now. I don't want that to happen. And sometime, saying "thank you" is even sadder than saying "goodbye". But still, people refuse to bid farewell. Why?

Its already New Year's eve, and tomorrow the journey to Arau will begin. *sigh*

Anyway, take care and have a great New Year, everyone!!!

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~~~ Ne-Yo - So Sick

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