Friday 3 December 2010

Something about: living a life,... hard. No one will come to your face and tell you that its easy. But still, we live. Haha. I'm lack of sleep, not enough nutrients in my body, and making me rambling incoherently right now. *giggle* I know, it kinda confusing, but thats the way I am. Haha~ *awkward laugh*

Living this life is so complex. There might be someone that waiting for you, for years even, hoping that you'll open your heart to accept them one day. There's few probability that'll happen to them.
#1: the one that waited for so long end up letting go. Thinking that's the best for both of them. Both of them end up in separate ways.
#2: the one that waited for so long end up letting go. When the other realized that maybe, maybe that he or she cherish the other party as much as the other party cherish them. And its become too late for both of them.
#3: the one that had been waited for so long open up her or his heart. And they live, happily ever after.

[out of three, I had encountered #1 and #2. I wonder if I'm going to encountered the #3 or I'll be in completely different story.]

But then, we keep on reminding ourself, "happily ever after only exist in fairy-tales". And that makes us afraid to dream. Dream all of the big things. Making us end up as coward. Coward to even take the first step in our life. I think I'm making no sense right now... =.="

Lots of people will try to hold back, but end up crying a bucket. While I'm trying my best, here, to cries a bucket. I'm sad, but all the tears just refuse to come out. My condition is definitely bad if I can't cries even after listening to Kamenahi Kazuya's Aishiteirukara in repeats, right? Why oh whyyy??? :/

And then, for some unknown reason, I kinda wondering what happen to Mr K right now. The last time I heard something about him, it was bad news. Until when he's going to be a delinquents, after all? We all need to grow up and realized our responsibility in the future. I hope he'll be fine, at least. He really should starts to think about his family. Dear K, I'm sorry for all the things that I had done to you. Or all the things that I should done, but I didn't. I'm sorry. I was too young to understand complexity of this world. I kinda wondering, if I stay and help him, would things will be better? Or would I'm the one that change? But then, all the "what if"s is nothing right now. Nothing as we both grow up in different path and choosing different lifestyle.

Someone said to me this.
"Shits happen everywhere, you know?"
Of course it was so true. But it didn't really makes me understand how things could be like that. Just, how could people CHANGE so much? :/ Its a good thing if the changes was for the better, but when its for the opposite,... I can't help but feeling extremely upset of it.

Right now, I kinda addicted to this enka song, Mata Kimi ni Koi Shiteru by Sakamoto Fuyumi. Lyrics&translation: here. I'm not really a fan of enka song, because they're just feels weird in my ears. Haha. But this song, is good. And heartbreaking at the same time, to me. I don't know. *shrugged* But I like listening to it. :)

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~


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