Thursday 23 December 2010

Something about: confession(s).

I just thought that it will be fun to write these out. Haha. ;)

1. I gain weight. Maybe few kilos, maybe more, I don't know. But for sure, my face did looks bigger. The cause - happiness or sadness? I don't know. XD

2. Having two confession throw directly at my faces from two different guys. One that I had blocked from viewing my fb's wall, and another that,... Well. A secret that should kept untold. Haha. It makes something flutters inside, happy indeed, to know that you have people that likes you. But the aftermath is quite suffocating, especially when there's people who can't take a "no" as an answer. I hate being forced. Thus it makes me take such decision, block him from viewing my fb's wall. Its hard for me too, but its too suffocating. Too many things happen to me lately that I'm not being myself anymore. And there's some other guys hinting for relationship too. The only thing that I could do is ignoring them. Posting mushy stuff on my wall like I'm in love (when I actually NOT) and they get the hint and keep things cool. I like that. Keeping relationship as friends right now is very much appreciated by me. 

3. Meeting good old friend(s) in facebook. I call it as "the magic of technology". =) It feels great, very, to know each and every single one of them living their live in their own way. I can't explain it, but it makes me happy. So very much. It even makes me wonders how this person knows this person and that person knows that person, too. The schoolmates from standard school, especially. Most of them, I had lost contact for almost five years, and wallaahhh~ Facebook is there. "The magic of technology". =)

4. Trying to blogging more than I did last year. Heee~ That's why I'm spamming my very own blog. Just to achieve that much. I think I did. =)

5. I miss Arau, damn much. I can't believe I actually say (write) it, but really. I grow fond of that place. I like the peacefulness there. A very great place to focus on your study than others. ;)

6. Had been losing weight more than  thought I did. When I'm in Arau, I never thought that I did lose weight THAT much. Well, until I back home an try to put on some of my old baju kurung that could barely fit on my body before. Hehee~ It makes me happy. But I think I should keep my weight constant. Maybe losing a little bit more, but not so much. I don't want to be just bones and skins. :/

6. Being a stalker that manage to get someone scared of me, a little (LOT). Haha. Sorry Miss F, but stalking you is just a fun thing to do. Until it get bored after a little while. XD So yeah, I didn't stalk her anymore.

7. I miss him. Okay? It had been years, and the things that I heard about him didn't makes me feel good. He manage to make me thinks about "what-if's" and I hate that. So very much.

8. Worrying about someone who I don't even know how things were between us. Confusing, I guess that's the only word that I could use to interpret my feeling about it. Hehe. But its okay. I believe that things will sort out. Eventually. I just need to get myself calm and wait until the right moment. Just go with the flow. 

9. Putting on facade. When things didn't really goes well as planned or as I hoped. I'll just put a smile on my face and pretend that nothing goes wrong. Despite my heart twitch in pain. I guess I just can't say that I'm having a problem to random people? And I guess, little could realized it. A good actress, perhaps? Haha. 

10. Being crazy with my (guy) best friend. A good guy, and someone who's tolerating my crazy acts and sayings. A guy who talks to me about my ego. A guy that'll laugh with my over my silliness. A guy that won't hesitate to tell me if I did mistakes. But definitely not a guy I wanna married with. XD I hope that we will be best friends as long as we live. 

That's it, I guess? ;)

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone~

(|]^.^[|) Hilary Duff - So Yesterday.

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