Monday 27 December 2010

Something about: Its time. :)

Yesterday, I had done one thing. One step. That I pray so much that I won't regret it later. A part of me is proud of myself, because this step is so hard to be done, that it takes lots of my courage to do it. Because makes such decision means that I'm giving myself another chance. Of what? I guess its better if I keep it as a secret. ;) I guess I'm not ready yet to announce the real thing. As I'm trying my best to survive here, after all.

Anyway, yesterday my uncle, my aunt and my cousin pay us a visit. Because I was asleep, still, at that time, my cousin had woke me up. And he manage to do so. Haha. A day in history. XD really, I'm a heavy sleepers, so to wake me up really takes courage. Lots of it. Truthfully, I do miss him so much. As we both grow up, less and more less time that me could spend with each other. Plus, there's going to be months before his departure to another country miles away from Malaysia to further his study. I'm not entirely sure, but yeah, he'll go around next year, Insya-ALLAH. I really hope that he will, as this is his ambition.

But we didn't get to talk much. =( This is because we kinda listen to our parents that talks about marriage and something along that. How the topic even started, eh? Was it because of my brother? Or was it because of many wedding invitation since the school holiday? :/ But for sure, the parents talks a lot about it. Haha. We both just sit there. And listen. And laugh. =)

I miss those time when we, along with other cousins that around our age will stay up until late at night and talks. And talks. About everything that we could. I miss when the boundaries between girls and boys aren't that thick that we could talk almost EVERYTHING. And I'll be the only girl with my other boy's cousin will watch WWE (because our kampung have astro, in case you forgotten) until almost dawn. Just because we want to. Or talking and listen about ghost stories. Damn! I miss those moment so, so much! :'(

Talking about this just makes me remember about one thing that happen during Raya morning. After seeks forgiveness with each other, it had been kinda a tradition to taking pictures. (yeah, camwhoring time. ^^) And one of my cousin (guy) was only wearing his baju melayu with kain pelikat. And we kindly asks him to change into the pants and wears sampin. When we're taking the pictures of him with his family members, he stands behind the chair. So that he wear underneath couldn't be seen, and he's kinda casually-whining about what's the purpose of him changing if we could only takes pictures of upper part of him. And every single one of us, cousins, and uncles, and aunts laugh so much of it. This is why I love raya so much. We could all gather together and just be ourself.

Its kinda saddening as my brother and my sister is married and they need to juggling the years to spend at where at what year. :/ And then, all of us, cousins, is scattering around Malaysia, studying here and there. Plus this particular cousin that'll furthering his studies overseas. Raya nowadays feels different than last few years.

But still, knowing each other is doing our best is good. Its better than nothing. ;)

Oh, about soccer. Malaysia wins over Indonesia, 3-0. I'm happy for them. Congratulation Malaysia team!!!

And few days back, my father had been nagging about smoking and smoker, AGAIN. Something happened, and my father was upset as he thought its just rude to smoke in front of person that's eating. Women, especially. Because it happen in front of my mother and I. I understand why he felt so, but I guess tobacco wins over manner, sometimes. :/

Anyway, take care and have a great day everyone~~~

(|]^.^[|)♪♫~ Blue - Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

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