Wednesday 8 December 2010

Something about: my date, yesterday...

Yesterday, I went out with one of my best buddies, Ellyana. We had fun together, I guess. We had brunch at McDonald's before heading to watch Social Network. All in sum, its a great movie. :) We had fun watching it, laughing with everyone inside the cinema. I love it so much because its funny, without trying hard to be funny. I mean, most of it was something that we encounter in our everyday life, but when its portrayed like that, it shows how funny we were. Haha. I think I'm being my incoherent self again. XD But mostly, we had a looonnnggg talk about our life, how it had change what we meet as we now are university students. And I talk about what happen to me, well, most of the things, and I feel so happy that she was there, listening and giving comments about what had happen to me. ilysfm. :)

Our brunch. We had the exact same set. :)




And, there's a reason why this picture was here. This happen last, last night, when I was preparing for yesterday's date. The left-hand-side's is the charger for my laptop, Dell's, while the right-hand-side's is the charger for my digital camera, Olympus. This is when the confusion starts. I was being half-sleeping-half-sober, accidentally, switching off the Dell's charger when I was trying to switching off my Olympus'. Haha. My Dell was playing songs when suddenly went silent. Haha. I really almost knock off my head on the wall as I'm trying to fix the problem. Damn annoying, you know? I just realized it then that both of the charger had the same head. =.=;

Anyway~ take care, and have a great day, everyone~~~

(|}^.^{|)~♪♫ - Jordin Sparks - Tattoo.

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