Saturday 25 December 2010

Something about: my hometown.

...and reasons of why I'm loving it so much. Here I am, in a very peaceful and great morning, blogging from my own kampung. They can say whatever they want about their own kampung, but I love mine so very much. I like the peacefulness here. The chicken(s) that could barely found anywhere else living freely and bla bla bla. So I guess I just want to listing things out here.

1. My kampung had wireless connection. Cool? =) Very much! And and and, the speed was like, WOAH!!! Hehe~ For someone who's internet is like drug, this is the best thing that could ever happen.

2. My kampung had a very own astro. You didn't read it wrongly. ASTRO. Even my own house didn't have one! I love kampung! ;)

3. The peacefulness here. Ah~ Wake up in the morning and just looking outside, breath and just, AAHHHH~ Its not as polluted as Klang and Kuala Selangor. =)

4. Family. =) It just great that spending time, bonding with each others, catching up with each others life and many more. This is the best. Meeting family members is one of the thing that I love. Because as I grow up, one thing that I realized is we had less and more less time to spend with each other. :/ I miss when once upon a time, we could talk and talk and talk until morning come, and sleep the day away. Haha. Really, I miss those moment so much. Especially Raya Eve. I guess, growing up had it own bad side too. Hehehe~

5. Hamsterssssss. I like them. =) But to keep it by myself? Nuh-uh. Impossible. I could barely taking care of my own self, what more taking care of hamsters. But here, I could spend time with them, without need to worry much about them. And yeah, I just realized earlier that there's nine baby hamsters. NINEEEEE..... *.* Woah! And they're still pinkish and no more fur yest, so I kinda freak out to touch them. So, NO. I WILL NOT touch them. Eeepp! XD

Anyway, take care and have a great day, everyone~~~

(|]^.^[|)♪♫  API - Pelita.

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